Following on from my last blog on burnout (here), this time I explore(i) how scarcity mindset can keep us stuck and small, preventing us from really living well and(ii) how to get unstuck through therapy or other wellbeing practices, to make the most of our limited time on Earth.
Following on from my last blog on Pre-empting or side-stepping burnout (here), this month I will (i) explore how our relationships can either reduce or contribute to stress and burnout, and(ii) give you some practical tips to ensure that your relationships do more of the former. Take a moment to consider the people around you […]
This is the first in a series of blog posts that will (i) unpack a number of common challenges that clients bring to counselling and (ii) provide you with some practical tipson how to manage them. First up, burnout. Juggling work, home and family life can be stressful and can, if things get too much […]